
Everything you ought to know about tantra massage

Tantric massages are a great way, how to relax your body and release all the tension from your mind. However, if you are going to a tantric massage for the first time and you have not found out anything about them in advance, you can read everything you ought https://bratislavatantra.sk/en/everything-you-ought-to-know-about-tantra-massages/ to know here. One of important things is, for example, that if you have a problem with nudity, such a service will probably be of no use to you, because during these procedures a person is completely naked. Intimate parts are also touched during these massages, so be prepared for this in advance. So if you are shy, but you can overcome you fear from nudity and still go to this type of massage, you do not have to worry about anything. The massage staff are trained professionals and the massage takes place in a safe environment where no one will judge you for how you look or make fun of you.

Masáž celého tela

Another very important thing that needs to be done before the very beginning of the massage is that you need to take a bath. Some types of tantric massages even start with a bath because it helps to better relax the body. If you have any questions or requests before the masseur starts to touch you, do not hesitate to tell them. During the massage, candles, incense sticks, incense, meditation music and various oriental or herbal oils will help you to enjoy a relaxing atmosphere. Mainly due to oil residues on the body, it is recommended to take a shower at the salon after each massage.

Orientálne masážne oleje

Another useful piece of advice is that during the massage, there is a masseur or masseuse who is massaging and you are only the recipient of the service. This warning is spoken to all customers in advance, as people sometimes tend to return touches during the procedure. If you do not dare to go to the massage alone, you can take your partner, husband, wife, or significant other with you. Most tantric salons also offer pair or group massages, so you can enjoy nice moments together.

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